泰安现代重工XDCY-1.3 1.3立方内燃铲运机
主要性能特点 ●动力系统采用东方红4105增压发动机,功率大、排放低。 ●采用技术领先的回转支承结构,故障率低、易维护。 ●采用液压转向,双转向油缸,转向更平稳。 ●行走系统采用液力变矩器、动力换档变速箱,提高了可靠性。 ●工作系统采用先导操控,使工作操作更加简单,工作效率更高。 ●停车制动为弹簧制动、液压释放,并配备紧急制动系统,使制动安全可靠。 ●尾气排放系统采用氧化催化器加水过滤系统,大大降低了空气污染。 ●整车机架钢板加厚,整车钢性增强,铲斗铲刃采用高强度合金钢制造,耐磨抗剪切, V型结构,减小了铲取阻力,使用寿命更长。 ●采用光面耐磨防穿刺橡胶轮胎。 ●该机后车架可拆成5部分,便于下井。 ●选装湿式制动桥,制动安全可靠。 ●该机结构紧凑、操作方便,可进行铲、装、运、卸一体作业,作业功效高,适合回采出矿和巷道掘进出碴,以及工作场地和道路的修筑平整、材料运输等辅助作业。 Features & Benefits 1. Power system adopts China’s top brand YTO turbocharged engine or China made CUMMINS engine with low speed and high torque. 2. Tranission system uses mining customized hydraulic torque converter and power shift gearbox LIUGONG brand (ZF Germany joint venture) to ensure its stability and high efficiency. 3. Operating system adopts pilot control to make operation easily and work efficiently. 4. Service brake adopts air over hydraulic oil caliper brake technology, parking brake uses spring brake, hydraulic release, and is equipped with an emergency braking system, to guarantee its safety and reliability. 5. Exhaust cleaning system is equipped with diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and water filtration system, greatly reducing air pollution. 6. 10.00-20 ooth, wear-resistant and puncture- resistant tires for long working life. 7. Technology leader slewing structure, hydraulic steering, lower failure rate, easy to maintain. 8. The loader has compact structure and all turning radius. It can be used for shoveling, loading, transporting and unloading. It is easy to be operated and has high working efficiency. Suitable for mining and roadway excavating, as well as road construction and material transportation.